Prescriptions and medication

Electronic prescribing

Repeat prescriptions

Prescription synchronisation

Save money with a prescription prepayment certificate

Ask a question about your medication

Reviewing your medication


Electronic prescribing

This practice uses an electronic prescribing system. This allows us to send prescriptions electronically to pharmacy of your choice without you needing to carry around a paper prescription.

Register for electronic prescribing

Find out more about electronic prescriptions on the NHS website.


Repeat prescriptions

If you take medicine regularly, you'll usually have a repeat prescription.

This means you can order your medicine when you need it without having to see a GP until your next medicine review.

You might be able to ask your pharmacy for your medicine if your GP has set up this up (repeat dispensing). If not, you'll need to order your medicines from your GP surgery each time.

There are three ways to order a repeat prescription:

  • NHS account - You can order a repeat prescription by logging into your account using the NHS app or NHS website.
  • Using our Patient Online Service (SystmOnline)
  • Contacting the surgery - You do not need to see a GP to order a repeat prescription. But you can contact us to ask for your medicine if you do not want to do this online.

Find out more about ordering a repeat prescription on the NHS website.

If you need a repeat prescription, please request this at least five working days before you need your medication to make sure you don’t run out. We can set up an automatic repeat for some medication, mention this at your pharmacy. 


Prescription synchronisation 

If you have more than one repeat prescription, you may be able to save time and order all the medication you have on repeat at the same time rather than irregular times throughout the month.

When you next need to request an item on repeat count all the tablets you have and fill in the form. Your doctor can issue a “one off” prescription of the tablets you need to synchronise all your medication to within a day or two. Please note that it might not always be possible to do this.  

Follow this link to complete a form asking for your prescriptions to be sychronised


Save money with a prescription prepayment certificate (PPC)

If you know you'll have to pay for a lot of NHS prescriptions, it may be cheaper to buy a prescription prepayment certificate (PPC) – effectively a prescription "season ticket".

A PPC covers all your NHS prescriptions, including NHS dental prescriptions, no matter how many items you need.

Find out more about prescription prepayment certificates on the NHS website


Ask a question about your medication

You might have questions about your medication, such as when you should take it, what to do if you miss a dose or possible side effects and what to do if they occur. Your pharmacist will be able to help with help you with these questions as they are the NHS medicines experts. 

Follow this link to ask the practice a question about your medication


Reviewing your medication 

If you have been prescribed the same medication for a long time, we will review this annually to make sure is still the right medication for you. 

If you have been told that your medication review is due, you can provide the information that the doctor needs online to let them know how you are getting on with your medication. You can provide this information without needing to make an appointment at the surgery.

Follow this link to complete a medication review form using eConsult.

We will contact you further if we feel you may benefit from an appointment to speak to a clinician.